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Friday, May 09, 2008

Liberal Scumbag Pleads Guilty to Possessing Child Porn; Media Ignores Story

Imagine for a second if a noted conservative radio host had been caught with child porn, and faced five years in prison. It would be a top story, right? Keith Dimbulb would be having a ball, right? The New York Times would take time off from their fundraising for Barack Obama to crow about it, right?

So, what does the mainstream media do when a fellow liberal who hates George W. Bush is caught with child porn? Ignore the story, that's what.

The Left is disgustingly typical.

Bernie Ward admits to child porn in plea deal

Bernie Ward, the most prominent liberal voice on Bay Area talk radio for more than two decades, admitted Thursday to distribution of child pornography by e-mail in a plea deal that will send him to federal prison for at least five years.

Ward, 57, a former Roman Catholic priest, was a fixture on KGO-AM 810 for three hours every weeknight, known in recent years for his fervent denunciations of President Bush and the war in Iraq during his news talk show. He also hosted "God Talk," a Sunday morning program on religion, and was a prolific fundraiser for the station's charity drives.

But his career disintegrated Dec. 6 with the unsealing of a federal grand jury indictment, issued three months earlier, that charged him with two counts of distributing and one count of receiving Internet images of child pornography. KGO fired him Dec. 31.

At a 30-minute hearing in federal court in San Francisco, Ward admitted he was guilty of a single charge of distributing child pornography, saying it involved "exchanging an image of a minor engaged in sexually explicit activity" in December 2004. The plea agreement he signed, quoted in court, contained an admission that he had sent between 15 and 150 pornographic images via e-mail.

The disgusting scumbag tried to argue that he was researching a book, until chatlogs of his discussions with a dominatrix were found in which he talked about naked children and never mentioned a book.

Notice that the local US Attorney in SanFran refused to take this case - defending the defensible in Sicko City?

Good riddance, Bernie Ward. Here's hoping more liberals follow you right to prison.

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