Tuesday, May 06, 2008
The Rev. Jeremiah Wright has done irreparable damage to Barack Obama, a new poll shows.
No shit, folks. We could have told you about that three months ago.
Obama damaged by Wright flap: USA Today/Gallup poll
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic presidential contender Barack Obama's standing has been significantly damaged by the controversy over his former pastor, according to USA Today/Gallup poll published on Monday.
The poll showed Hillary Clinton leading Obama 51 percent to 44 percent nationally among Democrats and Democratic-leaning independent voters, in contrast to a CBS News/New York Times survey released on Sunday that had Obama leading Clinton by 12 points.
Clinton and Obama face voting contests on Tuesday in North Carolina and Indiana, the next steps in their battle for the Democratic presidential nomination to take on presumptive Republican nominee John McCain in the November election.
The USA Today/Gallup results were a sharp reversal from two weeks ago, before the latest controversy over the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, when Obama led Clinton by 10 percentage points. The Thursday-through-Saturday survey had a 5 percentage-point margin of error.
USA Today said the results showed the Wright controversy had raised questions for some voters about Obama's values, credibility and electability.
By contrast, the CBS News/New York Times poll released on Sunday showed the Illinois senator leading Clinton 50 percent to 38 percent among Democratic voters and said 60 percent approved of how Obama handled the furor over the Chicago minister's public comments.
That poll surveyed 671 adults, including 283 Democratic primary voters, last Thursday through Saturday.
Wright has angered many voters with repeated statements that the September 11 attacks were retribution for U.S. foreign policies and that the U.S. government had a hand in spreading AIDS to harm blacks. Obama has publicly severed ties with Wright.
Obama sought to put controversy behind him on Monday, the eve of Democratic Party showdowns against Clinton in Indiana and North Carolina.
"We've probably taken as many hits as anybody has in this presidential campaign. Senator Clinton has not. John McCain certainly has not, and yet I'm still here and competitive in both North Carolina and Indiana," Obama told CNN.
The USA Today poll said one-third of primary voters were less likely to vote for Obama because of his ties to Wright.
Of course, note that the NY Times, the shill for Obama, has a poll showing Wright helping Obama. Is that realistic? Or it just another NY Times/liberal lie to cover Obama's lying ass?
Of course, one of the problems Obama is having is "connecting" with working people - a problem which arose when he mocked them as morons because they didn't vote for him. Now, according to his wife, Obama is holding in his "temper" at all of the truths being told about him.
Is Barack gonna cry? Shucks!
Michelle Obama: Barack has hit boiling point
Michelle Obama lifted the lid on the irritation felt by the leading Democrat candidate for the White House at the way anti-American outbursts by his pastor, Jeremiah Wright, have dogged his campaign.
He is said to be itching to turn all his fire on John McCain, the Republican candidate, who is benefiting most from Mr Obama's protracted tussle with Hillary Clinton.
Mrs Obama told a rally in Durham, North Carolina, on Friday that only her husband's desire to change US politics had helped him to control his feelings: "Barack is always thinking three steps ahead – what do we need to do to make change."
Her husband was thinking "I can't let my ego, my anger, my frustration get in the way of the ultimate goal," she said.
That "ultimate goal"? Take over America by fooling mass numbers of imbecilic liberals and then destroy it once you have taken it over.
Fortunately, Obama is such an empty suit that he is giving his political opponents the rope from which he will hang himself.