Monday, December 03, 2007
The surge of troops to Iraq is working. The American people see it - heck, even John Murthafucker, just back from there, said it is working.
Who says it isn't? Who says that Iraq is in a "civil war" still?
Harry Reid, that's who. A moron who makes idiocy look brilliant.
Could someone let us know how this incredible clown became the Majority Leader in the US Senate?
Reid pushes back on Iraq optimism
Democrats are increasingly bailing on their previously held view that the troop surge in Iraq has been a "failure," but Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid isn't ready to jump on the bandwagon with other Democrats who say the surge has worked.
The Senate re-opened for business on Monday after a two-week Thanksgiving break, during which key Democrats traveled to Iraq and declared that the surge is working, at least from a security and military perspective. Rep. John Murtha (D-Pa.), one the top war critics, stunned fellow Democrats late last week with his statement that "the surge is working," even though he added that political reconciliation has been lagging. Murtha's view was backed by Rep. Norm Dicks (D-Wash.), who also said the surge worked after he returned from Iraq.
But Reid, in a Monday press conference, ceded no ground.
"The surge hasn't accomplished its goals," Reid said. "... We're involved, still, in an intractable civil war."
Reid's comments show that Democratic leaders in Washington may not be on the same page as their rank-and-file members when it comes to interpreting results on the ground in Iraq. Reid, as a leader, still needs to maintain some negotiating leverage as Democrats try to figure out a way to give President Bush some $50 billion in temporary war finding while at least attaching some strings to the money so it's not a blank check for the war.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) took to the Senate floor on Monday to highlight the "stunning reversal" in Iraq, and chided Democrats, saying "unfortunately, talk of congratulations is scarce among the anti-war left."
Reid said Monday that the Senate still might take up a war funding bill before Christmas, and Democrats were still trying to find a compromise so it doesn't look like they've caved in to the White House on troop funding. Democrats are considering tweaking troop withdrawal language to lure a few more GOP supporters so the Senate could achieve a 60-vote filibuster-proof margin.
"I think we'll address war funding this month," Reid said.
McConnell says negotiations on war funding, have heated up in recent days, and suggested that the $50 billion "bridge" funding could be rolled into one giant omnibus spending package before the end of the year.
Reid also accused President Bush of bluffing about the potential layoffs of 100,000 Pentagon employees if the war funding doesn't come through immediately. Bush says civilian employees will be furloughed because the Pentagon will have to pull from regular accounts to fund the war due to the Democrats' intransigence on Iraq funding.
Reid says that's just not true, adding that Secretary of Defense Robert Gates assured the Senate that the Army and Marines have month through the end of February.
"He's not leveling with the American people," Reid said. "The Army has enough money until the first of March."
The American people - at least those who care about not having morons running the Congress - should stand in line for as long as is needed to vote against Downercrats, to get rid of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid as congressional leaders. They are disasters, and they are dangerous to this country's health.