Saturday, June 16, 2007
John Murtha (D-Fruitcake) is at it again. First, he tried to steamroll an earmark of $23 million for some little-known (and not needed) "National Drug Intelligence Center" in his district. When House Republicans would not play ball and tried to get the earmark removed, Murtha threatened them - a violation of the rules of the House. And when Republicans threatened to call for an ethics hearing for Murtha, the Downies voted it down: "ethics" not being in their vocabulary.
Now, to keep the $23 million, Murtha wrote a letter to House leaders saying that his precious center, again in his district, was going to take charge of the "no fly" list for airlines. This is strange, because the Department of Homeland Security says that is not true, and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence asked that the center be closed down as useless.
Now, imagine if a Republican wrote a letter packed with lies to get an appropriation of $23 million for something not needed - there would be calls for an independent counsel, a special prosecutor, and CNN and MSNBC would be doing hour-long specials on this crook, liar, and thief.
But, it is John Murthafucker, so he is allowed to lie and cheat and steal, because, after all, he is against the war in Iraq. So that makes it okay.
Transfer of terrorist no-fly list 'earmarked'?
To secure congressional funding for a pet project, Rep. John Murtha, D-Pa., made a surprising claim: The little-known National Drug Intelligence Center was about to take charge of the "vitally important" terrorist no-fly list.
Murtha's news, in a letter he sent to the House Intelligence Committee last month, came as a surprise to the nation's intelligence community. The Office of the Director of National Intelligence already had recommended that the NDIC, in Murtha's hometown of Johnstown, Pa., be closed for poor performance. It also puzzled the Justice Department, NDIC's parent agency, where spokesman Dean Boyd said there are no "current" plans for such a transition.
Murtha got the committee to approve a $23 million "earmark" for the facility, anyway. Intelligence Committee member Mike Rogers, R-Mich., said he and his colleagues never saw Murtha's letter with the apparently inflated claim.
Murtha's special request is one of 26 such earmarks worth a total of $96 million included in the intelligence bill OK'd by the House of Representatives last month and up for Senate approval in late June. Details of the requests have been made public, thanks to new rules requiring transparency in earmarks that the House's new Democratic leadership adopted in January.
Call your congressman or congresswoman, and ask: will someone ask for an ethics investigation of Murtha? Will anyone stop this scumbag?