Wednesday, May 09, 2007
No, this is NOT a typo. While the Downies in Congress refuse to pass a budget to pay for our troops fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq, and while they push policies that weaken this country a little more each day, what else are they doing that no one in the American media is paying attention to?
Just this: they want to pay residents of Guam for war crimes committed by Japanese troops in World War II.
Not American war crimes, you see - Japanese war crimes.
Next up: Downies intend to pay Russia for German war crimes in World War I.
House committee to hear reparations bill
The latest effort to compensate Guam residents for their suffering at the hands of the Japanese military during World War II will be heard by the House Natural Resources Committee late Wednesday morning in the nation's capital.
That is early Thursday morning on Guam.
Guam Delegate Madeleine Bordallo in March introduced the Guam World War II Loyalty Recognition Act, which calls for federal compensation related to the Japanese occupation of Guam between 1941 and 1944.
Bordallo introduced the same bill during her last term, but it failed to pass.
H.R. 1595 is among several bills on the agenda for the full committee markup at 11:30 a.m. Wednesday.
It calls for about $200 million in compensation and grant programs for Guam residents, including $25,000 payments on behalf of residents who died during the Japanese occupation, and smaller payments for injury and forced labor.
The legislation seeks compensation from the U.S. government, which forgave Japan's war debts decades ago.
Why should we fork over one dime for Japanese war crimes? Only Downies in control of Congress, ready to fuck the American taxpayer, have any explanation - and the media doesn't bother asking for one.