Thursday, April 19, 2007
Some people wish to believe that Hillary Clinton will somehow be elected President in 2008. But polls continue to show that 1) 50% of voters currently say they will "never" vote for her, and 2) her unfavorability among independents, a critical group, continues to rise.
A new poll shows that more than 50% of all Americans view her unfavorably.
Now - who continues to say that Hillary Clinton will be elected President?
GALLUP: Hillary Clinton's Favorable Rating Plunges
As the early stage of the race for president heats up, support for Sen. Hillary Clinton appears to be cooling. A majority of Americans now have an unfavorable image of her, a new Gallup poll released today shows. Her current 45% favorable rating is one of the lowest Gallup has measured for her since 1993.
Her lead as frontrunner for the Democratic nod has narrowed to just 31% to 26% over Sen. Barack Obama. Former Sen. John Edwards comes in at 16% and Al Gore 15%.
"The recent decline in her image appears to be broad-based, as it is evident among most key subgroups," Gallup reports.
In the latest poll, conducted April 13-15, 2007, more Americans say they have an unfavorable (52%) than a favorable view (45%) of Clinton. As recently as February, her favorable rating was 58%.
It appears that very soon Hillary Clinton will be less popular than the clap. We may already be there.