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Friday, March 09, 2007

Muslim Fruitcake Round-Up

We have gone some time without any look at the actions of those lovable lunatics the Muslims, but we found two stories to bring to your attention - ones destined to make you laugh, or possibly cry.

First up, we have two Muslim women in Sweden who wanted to swim in a burqa - and when told they could not, sued for discrimination. A court this week told them to fuck off. As well they should.

Muslim women lose swimming pool discrimination case

Two Muslim mothers in Sweden on Wednesday lost a discrimination case against an indoor swimming pool where the lifeguards had asked them to remove their veils and body-covering clothing.

The Gothenburg court ruled the municipal pool had not discriminated against the women.

It ordered the Ombudsman against Ethnic Discrimination, which had brought the case on their behalf, to pay the City of Gothenburg's costs of 30,850 kronor (4,375 dollars, 3,330 euros).

The women, Houda Morabet and Hayal Eroglu, were at the pool separately on two different occasions in April 2004, accompanying their young children but not to swim themselves.

Both were wearing veils, long pants and long-sleeved tee-shirts because their religion does not allow them to reveal parts of their body in public.

The ombudsman argued in court that the lifeguards' insistence that they change into tee-shirts was an act of discrimination.

The lifeguards testified that although there was nothing in the security regulations about veils, the rules did require people in the pool area to wear shorts and tee-shirts, even if they don't plan to swim.

The mothers' cumbersome clothing would have prevented them from coming to the rescue of their children if necessary, they argued.

Signs were posted in the pool area to that effect, they said.

"I've been to other pools in Gothenburg dressed like that and haven't had any problems," Morabet told Swedish news agency TT.

Sweden's ombudsman against ethnic discrimination, Katri Linna, told the agency she was surprised by the ruling and would likely appeal.

She was keen to stress that her office views the case as being quite significant in that it deals with a very concrete everyday situation.

Both women arrived at the court shortly after the verdict was announced. Houda Morabet explained that she took great offence when asked to leave the swimming pool.

"Now it is even worse. Most of all I am disappointed by how the justice system has worked," she said.

Here's some advice to said Muslim women: you are a guest of this country you were obviously not born in. Either you follow THEIR laws, and not YOURS, or you pick up your smelly ass and head back to your cave. Get it?

Now onto the story of the week that the American MSM missed completely: a Muslim man was arrested at LAX and found with wires and a battery up his asshole.

We have always said Muslims have shit for brains, so it is no surprise they want to keep explosives right next to their thinking area.

Wired Iraqi man triggers scare at L.A. airport

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - An Iraqi national wearing wires and concealing a magnet inside his rectum triggered a security scare at Los Angeles International Airport on Tuesday but officials said he posed no apparent threat.

The man, identified by law enforcement officials as Fadhel al-Maliki, 35, set off an alarm during passenger screening at the airport early on Tuesday morning.

A police bomb squad was called to examine what was deemed a suspicious item found during a body cavity search of the man. Local media reports said a magnet was found in his rectum.

"He was secreting these items in a body cavity and that was a great concern because there were also some electric wires associated with that body cavity," Larry Fetters, security director for the Transportation Security Administration at the airport, told reporters.

Maliki, 35, who lives in Atlantic City, New Jersey, was preparing to board a US Airways flight from Los Angeles to Philadelphia.

The flight left without Maliki but with his luggage aboard. It made an unscheduled landing in Las Vegas, where the plane was thoroughly searched but nothing was found, officials said.

Now, it is bad enough that this nut is in the United States. But what airline asshole let his luggage continue on without him? What if there was a bomb in his suitcase?

Ah, security in America...continually held hostage to the whims of fanatic Muslims.

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