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Thursday, March 08, 2007

The Lack of an Audience for "Green Television"

Despite what liberals tell you, people are just not interested in hearing about the phony issue of "saving the planet." Example: a show on Australian tv dropped dead in the ratings - and was beating by repeats of CSI and Grey's Anatomy.

Al Gore, eat your heart out.

Viewers keen to save planet, but not during favourite show

The green conundrum is affecting many products, not just TV, writes Paul McIntyre.

TEN NETWORK's programmers are baffled. With so much attention on climate change and consumer research indicating viewers were keenly interested in a 2½ hour feast of practical advice on how they might save the planet, Ten's ratings for the Cool Aid blockbuster on Sunday night were still a disaster.

Viewing numbers peaked at 618,000, compared with more than 1.6 million each for Grey's Anatomy and CSI on Seven and Nine respectively, and averaged just 464,000 people across the country.

"Truthfully, we're confused," says Ten's network head of programming, Beverley McGarvey. "They didn't come. It's not like they came to the show, sampled it and went away. They didn't come.

"We had study guides in schools, we had the full support of the print media, both editorially and with advertising, and an extensive [Ten Network] on-air campaign with a number of different creative treatments and different stances.

"We spent a fortune to get the audience there and it didn't work. We've talked about it quite a lot internally. We're disappointed."

That oughta tell them that when it comes to the bottom line, 99% of people do not buy the leftwing environmental "Chicken Little" alarmist theology.

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