Saturday, March 31, 2007
Noted Climate Denier and a man who apparently wants to harm humanity, S. Fred Singer, gave a lecture at the University of Vermont at Montpelier. He got some good opinions from some in the audience, but, as we will demonstrate, some people just remain absolutely fucking stupid.
Global warming skeptic praised, criticized at UVM
One of the leading dissenters on the theory of human-caused global warming spoke to a large audience in Ira Allen Chapel on Wednesday night, meeting a mixed crowd that included like-minded thinkers as well as those who disagreed with him.
S. Fred Singer, who holds a doctorate in physics, is widely published and has received many scientific awards, discussed the conclusion he has come to from data collected on climate change -- that a natural warming and cooling cycle, not greenhouse gas emissions, is what is causing a rise in global temperatures.
Reactions? Some were good - but then this moron showed up:
UVM environmental science major Elizabeth Lewis had a different take. She attended the discussion to see what she'll be up against once she enters the work force.
"I can't believe someone like that is out in the world trying to convert people," Lewis said. "I think it's tragic."
Yep, you have to hand it to someone who finds any dissenting opinion "tragic."
The Left is regressing backwards quicker than ever.