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Sunday, March 18, 2007

Are Liberals Worried that Hillary Clinton Will Destroy Their Party?

Read this month-old hate fest of Hillary Clinton, and notice that the blogger, known as "Culturekitchen," cites polls showing that Clinton will lose New York AND New Jersey to a Republican presidential candidate.

If that is true, perhaps Hillary WILL destroy her party.


"Hi. My name is Hillary Clinton, and I'm here to destroy the Democratic Party."

"Hillary Clinton can't win a national general election". This is conventional wisdom among people who know about these things. As is so often the case with the conventional wisdom, this assessment is based on a very rich and consistent amount of data, collected and analyzed over years.

It stands to reason, however, that she also has loyalists; even Lyndon LaRouche does, after all, and who knows how he would fare if he'd had the good sense to sleep with a President. These loyalists rather recently were giddy over polling results showing her able to just break over the 50% hurdle in a national election. I said at the time that this was an announcement bounce, in a very customary and well-known pattern.

And so it was. Polling data released earlier this week and month shows Hillary losing New Jersey, and barely holding New York and Connecticut.

Ouch - that hurts. Check out this concluding remark:

The median electoral performance of a nominee Hillary therefore seems to run about a generic -9% versus John Kerry and a median -15% compared to November 2006. Extrapolated to the November 2008 general election, the republican nominee - especially if that should be Rudy Giuliani - can presently look forward to a Reagan-in-1984-style landslide.

Which would in turn in all likelihood cost the Democrats control of Congress, and set back the party for a decade or so.

How lovely it would be to see Nancy Pelosi and her traitorous ilk thrown out of power after just two years of fucking things up. How lovely that would be.

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