Thursday, March 15, 2007
This story aired in February, but because the whole world chooses to turn its eyes from the threat of Islam (not radical Islam, as some want us to believe, but Islam itself), it received no air play and no attention.
The Muslims in Germany are becoming more radical, more perverted, and more demanding that Germany accede to their beliefs rather than the other way around. Case in point: this story about a young woman who was to go on a field trip:
A Parallel Muslim Universe
Germany's Muslim population is becoming more religious and more conservative. Islamic associations are fostering the trend, particularly through their work with the young -- accelerating the drift towards a parallel Muslim society.
It's the silence that visitors notice first. No children's laughter, no chatter, no pop music. A Protestant minister familiar with the noise level in children's homes describes the atmosphere as "very spooky." This Friday, at the end of Ramadan, it is especially hushed in the green house on Hochfeldstrasse in Duisburg, a city near Düsseldorf. Quietly, the boys remove their jackets from the cloakroom's numbered hooks - many are heading home for the holiday. The blankets are meticulously folded in the dormitories. Toys and posters are nowhere to be seen.
But that is not the scariest part of this story...that is buried way down where anyone could miss it:
In another regional case, the judges had to decide whether a class excursion was mandatory for a Muslim girl. In their ruling of 2002, they parroted the language of a fatwa issued two years previously. The former chairman of the Islamic Religious Community in Hesse had stipulated that a Muslim woman not accompanied by a mahram, a male blood relative, must not stray more than 50 miles from her home - because this is the distance a caravan of camels can travel in 24 hours.
Camels are something of an anomaly on the German autobahn these days. Sympathetic judges nonetheless recommended sending the 15-year-old brother along as a mahram. Given her fear of losing her headscarf or violating other religious laws, the schoolgirl's condition, they argued, was comparable to that of a "partially mentally handicapped person." She therefore needed somebody to accompany her; otherwise, she should not be forced to take part in the trip, they reasoned.
There you have it: Islam forces someone to be "mentally handicapped."
And the Muslims of the world want everyone to be as mentally stupid and as monstrously devoid of human feeling as they are.