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Wednesday, February 21, 2007

And in Political News, Christopher Dodd is Still Dead...

Senator Christopher Dodd, serial woman abuser Dimwit of Connecticut, finds that his support even amongst the dim bulbs of his own home state is, to say the least, low.

Poll Shows Connecticut Cold To Dodd Presidential Candidacy

There's good news for Chris Dodd's underdog presidential campaign. A new poll shows him at 8 percent -- well above the 1 percent or less he's been getting in most national surveys.

But it's also not such good news. The 8 percent is what he gets in Connecticut, the state where he won re-election in 2004 with 66 percent of the vote.

A Quinnipiac University poll of 1,087 state voters, conducted Feb. 9 to 12, placed Dodd fourth among White House contenders, behind New York Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, at 33 percent; Illinois Sen. Barack Obama, at 21 percent and former Vice President Al Gore at 9 percent.

Gore has not said he's running. Dodd has.

"If Sen. Christopher Dodd can't even come close to winning a Democratic primary in his home state, that's obviously a bad sign for his presidential campaign," said poll director Douglas Schwartz.

And Dodd has said thet he will not run for re-election to his Senate seat in 2008.

This is undoubtedly good news. First, Dodd's chances of winning his party's presidential nomination are less than having Abraham Lincoln awaken from his 142 year slumber. Second, he will not be in the US Senate to fuck things up come 2009.

Definitely good news all around.

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