Tuesday, January 30, 2007
News out of Massachusetts that Boston Red Sox pitcher Curt Shilling, a Republican, is considering a run against John Kerry in 2008.
We personally hate the Red Sox, but we wish Shilling well and wholly support him if he runs.
Just imagine if we could knock off John Kerry in 2008. Just imagine!
Curt: I will ‘seriously consider’ political life
For a pitching ace, Curt Schilling sounded an awful lot like a politician yesterday, even as he declared his intentions to stay with Red Sox beyond the 2007 season.
“We have really gotten to . . . a point in time in this country where I really do feel like people are pulling the lever for the candidate they dislike the least,” Schilling said during an interview on WRKO radio. “And that’s sad, it really is."
Schilling downplayed talk of a future run for John F. Kerry’s Senate seat, but he also said he has considered politics as a possible next step to a baseball career that has brought him name recognition and enormous public admiration.
“Since (politics) has come up, it’s something my wife and I have talked about a couple of times,” Schilling told WRKO’s Todd Feinburg yesterday. “If this were something I would seriously consider in the future, it would be . . . to make a difference in the world, not to do anything other than that.”
Political analysts have not started running the polling numbers just yet, but they say Schilling’s popularity, wealth and intelligence give him the raw materials needed to be a serious contender.
“Considering the lack of Republicans who could give John Kerry a run, Schilling has as good a chance as anybody,” Boston University professor Tobe Berkovitz said yesterday. “The press always likes a quirky, unique candidate, and Schilling certainly fits that."
Even if Shilling was a liberal Republican, he would still be a 10,000% improvement over John Kerry, that traitorous son of a bitch.
Run, Curt, run!