Monday, January 29, 2007
We are presenting here to any Republican the right to sign a pledge - asking that the National Republican Senatorial Committee not give any money to any candidate or sitting Senator running in 2008 who desires to stand with traitorous Democrats in voting against President Bush's surge of troops to Iraq.
Sign the pledge, and tell the NRSC: not one dollar for traitorous Republicans, or we will sit home and not vote.
The NRSC Pledge
If the United States Senate passes a resolution, non-binding or otherwise, that criticizes the commitment of additional troops to Iraq that General Petraeus has asked for and that the president has pledged, and if the Senate does so after the testimony of General Petraeus on January 23 that such a resolution will be an encouragement to the enemy, I will not contribute to any Republican senator who voted for the resolution. Further, if any Republican senator who votes for such a resolution is a candidate for re-election in 2008, I will not contribute to the National Republican Senatorial Committee unless the Chairman of that Committee, Senator Ensign, commits in writing that none of the funds of the NRSC will go to support the re-election of any senator supporting the non-binding resolution.
And send an e-mail to Chuck Hagel, traitor from Nebraska: Leave our party and join the traitors on the other side, you piece of shit.