Monday, January 15, 2007
Dennis Kucinich, the liberal nut from Cleveland who looks like a bear after he has been shot, is now hampering to get the American media, liberal as it is, to be more liberal, because he sees unfairness in having any conservative voices be heard.
Kucinich: Congress To Take On FCC
Over the weekend, the National Conference for Media Reform was held in Memphis, TN, with a number of notable speakers on hand for the event. Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) made an surprise appearance at the convention to announce that he would be heading up a new House subcommittee which will focus on issues surrounding the Federal Communications Commission.
The Presidential candidate said that the committee would be holding "hearings to push media reform right at the center of Washington.” The Domestic Policy Subcommittee of the House Government Reform Committee was to be officially announced this week in Washington, D.C., but Kucinich opted to make the news public early.
In addition to media ownership, the committee is expected to focus its attention on issues such as net neutrality and major telecommunications mergers. Also in consideration is the "Fairness Doctrine," which required broadcasters to present controversial topics in a fair and honest manner. It was enforced until it was eliminated in 1987.
Kucinich said in his speech that "We know the media has become the servant of a very narrow corporate agenda" and added "we are now in a position to move a progressive agenda to where it is visible."
Translation: We liberals are disgusted when any conservative is allowed to counter liberal lies. So we intend to make sure there are more CNNs and MSNBCs and less Fox News.
Here's our message to Dennis Kucinich: Drop dead.