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Sunday, December 31, 2006

Palestinians Mourn Saddam: "We Lost a Leader"

Saddam Hussein is dead, and unless you are a nut, a psycho, a liberal, or a Palestinian, you cheered the news.

The subhuman Palestinians are sad, upset, disgusted, that the fellow Muslim asshole who funded their terrorist ways has bit the dust, and now is in the same perverted hell their former leader, Yassir Arafat, is sitting in.

Palestinians on Saddam: We lost a leader

Many in the Palestinian Authority on Saturday lamented the execution of Saddam Hussein, who received a special status among the Palestinians.

"Saddam was known for his ability to stick to his opinion and say 'no' to a world power," said Husni al-Ajal, 46, from a refugee camp near Ramallah.

The pictures of the "butcher from Baghdad" were hung in many places in the West Bank and Gaza. Some of the pictures featured both Saddam Hussein and former PA Chairman Yasser Arafat.


A Hamas spokesman Fauzi Barhoum, condemned the execution, which he referred to as "a political assassination.

Mushir al-Masri, a Hamas lawmaker, added that "this is proof of the United States' criminal and terrorist policy in its war against the forces of resistance in the world."

PA residents reminisced over the Gulf War, when dozens of Scud missiles were launched at Israel. The missiles, which landed in the center of the country in 1991, were accompanied by celebrations and chants: "Saddam, strike Tel Aviv."

The Iraqi president remained popular among the Palestinians also during the recent intifada, when he promised to transfer USD 25,000 to families of Palestinians killed in terror attacks and clashes with Israel.

Sabha Muhammad, 57, of Jenin, received USD 25,000 from Saddam to rebuild her house, which was destroyed during Operation Defense Shield.

"I cried when I heard the news. I felt that we, as Arabs and Muslims, lost a strong leader today. I wish all Arab and Muslim leaders a similar fate, as they did not stand by Saddam – starting from the American occupation, through the president's seizure, to his killing."

This is definitely a people who deserve a state of their own.

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