Saturday, December 30, 2006
Here is what happens when liberals run things: John Conyers, the blackjob who is next week to become chairman of the House Judiciary Committee (and who would give his life to be able to hold impeachment hearings on President Bush), has "accepted" that he violated House ethics rules by employing office staff in illegal ways.
What will happen to Conyers now that he has "accepted" the findings of the House Ethics Committee? Will he be punished? Will he be thrown off the Judiciary Committee?
Of course not. Because, in Liberalland, where only Republicans get nailed for being crooks, Conyers has "accepted" the findings and now "promises" to change.
That's it. He will not do it anymore.
Slap on hand, please up tempo.
Conyers accepts responsibility for possible ethics violations
Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.) has "accepted responsibility" for possibly violating House rules by requiring his official staff to perform campaign-related work, according to a statement quietly released by the House ethics committee late Friday evening.
The top Republican and Democratic members on the ethics panel, Reps. Doc Hastings (R-Wash.) and Howard Berman (D-Calif.), said in a statement that Conyers acknowledged a "lack of clarity" in communicating what was expected of his official staff and that he accepted responsibility for his actions.
"[Conyers] agreed to take a number of additional, significant steps to ensure that his office complies with all rules and standards regarding campaign and
personal work by congressional staff," they stated. "We have concluded that this matter should be resolved through the issuance of this public statement."
There you have it. The man has been found to have broken ethics rules, but him agreeing not to do it again ends the investigation.
If anyone says that Downies are serious about ending "the culture of corruption" (or that their media buddies are serious about reporting about Downies and their corruption), this should put to rest those concerns.