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Sunday, December 31, 2006

American Muslims Want the Terrorists to Win in Somalia

In Somalia right now, the psychotic "Union of Islamic Courts," which took power and then pushed a radical, Taliban regime (people were executed for watching movies and not praying five times a day), has been tossed out by the UN-backed secular government, aided by Ethiopian forces, which were trained by American troops in Africa.

This has the fruitpie Muslims up in arms - after all, why are we not helping the Muslim crackheads who want to kill those who are not fellow Muslim crackheads?

1,000 Muslims "demonstrated" in Minneapolis over this. This is the crap we have let into this country.

Area Somalis want peace for homeland

More than a thousand Somalis gathered in Minneapolis on Saturday to call for Ethiopian troops to withdraw immediately from Somalia.

Their protest capped a week in which transitional government troops retook Mogadishu, Somalia's capital, with the backing of Ethiopian infantrymen.

The U.S. government "gave the green light" to Ethiopia to work in concert with the transitional federal government in Somalia, and that action was "totally wrong," said Hassan Mohamud.

He is the president of the Somali Institute for Peace and Justice in Minneapolis, which organized Saturday's rally.

"We ask the president of the United States, Mr. Bush, and his administration to stop supporting the terrorists. Ethiopian troops are terrorists," Mohamud said to a cheering crowd.

Yep, getting rid of psychotic Muslims is now "supporting the terrorists."

Of course, if you read further, you find delusion after delusion from these nutbags.

Somali men, women and children gathered Saturday morning in Peavey Park in Minneapolis, and they carried an array of signs. Some said "No more war" and "Islam is the solution."

Lt. Rick Thomas of the Minneapolis Police Department estimated the crowd at about 1,500 people for a rally that ran for more than two hours.

Mohamud said he and other Somalis want the United States to support talks that can yield "peace and reconciliation."

Somalia has not had a stable government in 15 years, but many attendees at the rally said that the Union of Islamic Courts (UIC) had brought some peace to the country during the past six months.

When that Islamic group took over the capital in June, many people were optimistic about the future, said Omar Jamal, executive director of the Somali Justice Advocacy Center in Minneapolis.

"They brought back security," Jamal said in a telephone interview. "We were all hoping that the moderates would be able to take the lead in the organization of the UIC. But unfortunately, the radicals hijacked the process."

Islam is the solution, all right - to the end of the world.

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