Wednesday, November 22, 2006
How dumb are Muslims? Imagine if you were an Islamic terrorist, and imprisoned in Guantanamo Bay. You have a bad heart - but the dumb Americans offer you free health care and a free heart operation to get you back to good health.
What is your response? Like the rest of the dumb Muslims of the world, you turn it down.
Like we said - here is one more dumb fucking Muslim.
Guantanamo inmate nixes heart procedure
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico - A 59-year-old Guantanamo Bay detainee has refused to have a required heart procedure at the U.S. military base in Cuba, one of his attorneys said Sunday.
Saifullah A. Paracha, a Pakistani multimillionaire, will not agree to have a cardiac catheterization done at the base because he thinks its medical facilities and backups are inadequate, said Zachary Katznelson of the London-based human rights group Reprieve.
"This is a completely new procedure for Guantanamo. Mr. Paracha very well might need open heart surgery, and that has never been done before at Guantanamo," Katznelson said.
Paracha, who is accused of laundering money for al-Qaida and plotting to smuggle explosives into the United States, already has had one heart attack while in U.S. custody and has recently suffered chest pains, according to his lawyers.
Paracha's family has urged Pakistan's government to seek his return home for medical treatment.
Navy Cmdr. Jeffrey Gordon, a Pentagon spokesman, said Guantanamo has a "first class medical facility for detainees" and rejected the charge that the detention center was not equipped to successfully perform the catheterization.
"The assertion that this detainee's medical condition is 'completely new' at Guantanamo is patently false. A detainee was treated successfully for a serious heart condition by a team of doctors at Guantanamo in 2003," Gordon said in an e-mail to The Associated Press.
So, this thug has had one heart attack already, and now has chest pains. And when offered a free heart operation (with the best doctors the military can offer), the moron turns it down.
This is why the world laughs at the United States: only here do we offer free heart operations to the same people who are trying to destroy us. Pathetic.