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Friday, October 20, 2006

Spain Capitulates to Islam

The Spanish decided 2 years ago to capitulate to Islamic terrorism after the Madrid train bombing. Now, they have decided to teach Islam in the schools.

We surrender to Islam, says Spain.

Spanish schools to use Islam book

The Spanish government, Catholic Church and Muslim leaders have joined forces to publish a school textbook on Islam.

The book Discovering Islam - for primary school children - was written in Spanish by a Muslim leader.

Spanish officials say the book has no parallel among Spain's EU neighbours with large Muslim minorities.

Spain has about a million Muslims, out of a 44 million population. The book is aimed at helping Muslim children learn about their faith and integrate better.

Yeah - those Muslims will "integrate better" because of some book.

This is one more step to the Islamization of Europe. One day, when Muslims demand special rights and shari'a law in European countries, they will be so dense and stupid that they will grant it. And then the end will come for the Peons.

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