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Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Report: French Aided Mass Murderers in 1994 in Rwanda

The French have become one of the worst violators of the law in the world - it was France who aided and supplied Iraq and Saddam Hussein during the years when that dictator broke UN sanctions; and when the US and the UK sought to end the sanctions and crack down on Saddam, France did their utmost first to stymie the efforts, and then blocked any attempt to get Saddam to comply. In the end, it was France, mated with fellow scumbags Germany and Russia, who forced the hand of the US and the UK. It was then France that demanded talking for two years to Iran about ending Iran's nuclear weapons program, and now, two years later, we have nothing to show for it.

So this report released this week comes as no surprise: investigators charge that French army members aided and abetted the Hutu mass murderers who slaughtered some 800,000 men, women, and children.

Hear that again: France aided mass murderers who have never been brought to justice.

France accused of playing active role in Rwandan genocide

Twenty five survivors of the Rwandan genocide and former Rwandan ambassador to Paris Jacques Bihozagara have accused France of playing an active role in the Rwandan genocide in which 800 000 Tutsis and moderate Hutus were killed in a 100 day frenzy.

According to Bihozagara, French involvement stemmed from concerns about its diminishing influence in Africa. According to the BBC, after the hearings, the Rwandan panel will rule on whether to file a suit at the International Court of Justice.

Former Justice Minister Jean de Dieu Mucyo and its proceedings, which began on Tuesday, are being broadcast live on local radio.

French soldiers are alleged to have also provided escape routes to militia escaping to the Democratic Republic of Congo. France which was deployed to the country in the final days of the genocide is also alleged to have let Hutu militias into Tutsi camps to continue with their murderous campaign.

The French, though denying any involvement has also set up its own military court to probe the allegations.

More on this stunning story, which is absent completely from the airwaves of the news channels in the United States:

French 'fraternised with genocide militia'

FRENCH troops in Rwanda during the 1994 genocide trained Rwandan soldiers and militia responsible for most of the killings and joked with them, an government inquiry commission heard today.

On the second day of public hearings in a probe into France's alleged complicity in the genocide, a former employee of the French cultural centre in Kigali said his boss had boasted about the training France had provided.

"My boss told me that their army had trained the young men so well that they could defend the country from any attack by Tutsi rebels or their accomplices," said Venuste Kaijamahe, who worked at the center for more than 20 years.

An estimated 800,000 people, mainly minority Tutsis and moderate Hutus, were slaughtered by Hutu extremists during a 100-day killing spree between April and July 1994, and Rwanda's Government accuses France of playing a role.

Paris has adamantly denied the allegation but Kigali has charged the commission with determining whether there is evidence to file a suit against France for damages at the world court.

The seven-member panel of historians, legal experts and a senior military officer in the former Rwandan army has been working since April to investigate claims of French involvement.

Mr Kaijamahe, a Tutsi, said French diplomats held frequent sessions to plot strategy against Tutsi rebels, who began fighting the then Hutu-led government in 1990 from bases in neighboring Uganda.

"Regular meetings to draw up strategies for the war were held at residences of the French ambassador and other senior embassy officials," he said.

"French soldiers also often bragged about the success of joint operations with the Rwandan army and the skills of their local counterparts," said Mr Kaijamahe, the fourth of 25 witnesses to testify before the panel.

"It wasn't rare to see French troops jogging alongside Interahamwe (extremist Hutu) militias on the streets of Kigali neighbourhoods," he said, adding: "It's sad to see France denying any knowledge of things that took place in broad daylight.

"At the time they didn't hide their activities that much. Maybe they are now ashamed."

Mr Kaijamahe also accused his former bosses at the cultural centre of refusing to evacuate him at the peak of the genocide on the grounds that he was not a French national, "even though they had space to airlift extremists from the former government."

Witnesses testified Monday that France allegedly supported the former government and its Interahamwe militia out of fear it was losing influence in Africa to rebels backed by an English-speaking country, Uganda.

"They thought a francophone country was being attacked by an anglophone country" and believed "they had to rush to the rescue," Jacques Bihozagara, a former Rwandan ambassador to France said.

The public hearings are to continue until next week and the inquiry commission is expected to report its findings back to the current Tutsi-led Government within six months.

Although France denies the allegations, a French former soldier last year alleged that French troops had trained Rwandan militia responsible for the killings in the two years leading up to the genocide.

Also, a French military tribunal is currently investigating claims by six Rwandan Tutsis who filed a complaint accusing French troops of being complicit "in genocide and/or crimes against humanity."

These witnesses come from the mountainous western region of Bisesero, where survivors claim French forces lured Tutsis from hideouts in the hills to village centres where they were killed.

The world had a cow when allegations of torture by US troops at Abu Ghraib in Iraq surfaced. No one died at Abu Ghraib. How will the world react when French fuckers are found to have helped to murder 800,000 people?

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