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Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Parents of Muslims Extremists Killed in Afghanistan Blame "Mullahs"

Is the tide turning? Parents of hundreds of pro-Taliban guerrillas killed by coalition forces in Afghanistan are blaming Islamic nutjob mullahs for roping their weak sons into jihad and fighting which led to their deaths.

You can bet this story got wide play in the Muslim world - not.

Parents of fighters killed by coalition blame mullahs

A steady flow of bodies back to Pakistan has prompted tribal elders to appeal to intelligence agencies and religious leaders to stop sending young men to fight in Afghanistan.

"We have made it known to the military intelligence and the mullahs that we want them to stop sending our youth to their deaths," said one tribal leader from the province of Pishin in Balochistan. His sentiments were echoed by a growing number of secular-minded politicians from the Pashtun tribal belt that runs from Balochistan to the North-West Frontier Province.

Karbala, a town in Pishin, is a key recruiting area for the Taliban as many of the religiously-conservative locals belong to tribes that span the border. Yet this month five families from Karbala accused religious leaders of being responsible for the deaths of their sons.

The 20-year old grandson of Sayyad Dost Muhammed went the way of many a young Pakistani jihadi. "Qari Asadullah was one of five boys from the village who went to Afghanistan five months ago without their families' knowledge," said Mr Dost Muhammed. "We heard that all five had been killed." Asadullah and his four friends graduated from a local madrassa and headed to a radical school in Karachi, from where they went to Afghanistan.

Karbala has four madrassas, all linked to the Jamiat-e-Ulema Islam (JUI), a party that governs Balochistan and the North West Frontier Province. During President Pervez Musharraf's recent visit to Britain, a leaked document drawn up by a think-tank with alleged links to MI6 claimed that Pakistani military intelligence funnelled support for the Taliban through the JUI. This month, Gen Musharraf said retired Pakistani intelligence officers could be running the Taliban insurgency.

Yesterday the bodies of 18 Pakistanis were returned to the Pakistani tribal agency of Waziristan, where a deal between tribesmen and the government is supposed to have stopped fighters crossing the border.

Nothing will come of this criticism, but it does show that Muslim leaders continue to send their own kind into the grinder of fighting for their worthless cult.

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