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Wednesday, October 18, 2006

No Death Bennies for Gay Pervert Congressman

Mark Foley sends perverted e-mails to a 17 year old page. He resigns his seat, and Downies demand investigations, resignations, and assignations of blame all around. Their allies in the media do story after story on "Foleygate" - after all, the news that truly affects the world, like North Korea, is not all that important.

The flip side of this tale of stupidity is Rep. Gerry Studds, a Downie from Massachusetts who, in 1983, was caught raping a 16 year old page in 1973. Studds was censured, but he kept his seat and was reelected until he left Congress on his own accord. Studds keeled over last week and croaked.

The media rushes condemn Studds? Not at all. It is to make us feel bad because his "husband" in an illegal gay marriage from Massachusetts, cannot get Studdsboy's death benefits because the Defense of Marriage Act - signed, ironically by Bill Clinton in 1996 - does not allow it.

Shucks, darn, darn, darn.

No Death Benefits for Studds's Spouse

BOSTON, Oct. 17 -- The federal government has refused to pay death benefits to the spouse of former congressman Gerry E. Studds (D-Mass.), the first openly gay member of Congress.

Studds married Dean Hara in 2004 after same-sex marriage was legalized in Massachusetts. But Hara will not be eligible to receive any portion of Studds's estimated $114,337 annual pension because the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act bars the federal government from recognizing Studds's marriage.

Peter Graves, a spokesman for the Office of Personnel Management, which administers the congressional pension program, said same-sex partners are not recognized as spouses for any marriage benefits. He said Studds's case is the first of its kind known to the agency.

Under federal law, pensions can be denied only to lawmakers' same-sex partners and to people convicted of espionage or treason, Graves said.

The homosexuality of Studds was exposed during a teenage-page sex scandal in 1983. He died Saturday at 69, several days after collapsing while walking his dog. Doctors said he had developed two blood clots.

Notice the headline: No benefits for Studds' "Spouse."

Sorry, folks. His "spouse" would have been a woman. A man cannot have a husband. Each state is passing laws to prohibit this kind of buggery. Come election day, more states join that list.

And Gerry Studds, rapist and pervert, can rot in hell where he belongs.

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