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Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Respected Scientist Says: Global Warming is BUNK

Dr. William Gray, a respected scientist whose specialties include climate studies and the study of hurricane activity, said what needed to be said: global warming, at least that allegedly caused by humans, is a fake issue, and those who push it know it is fake.

Finally: a crack in the wall. Now let's see the water spill out and drown this false story, once and for all.

Colorado State professor disputes global warming is human-caused

Global warming is happening, but humans are not the cause, one of the nation’s top experts on hurricanes said Monday morning.

Bill Gray, who has studied tropical meteorology for more than 40 years, spoke at the Larimer County Republican Club Breakfast about global warming and whether humans are to blame. About 50 people were at the talk.

Gray, who is a professor at Colorado State University, said human-induced global warming is a fear perpetuated by the media and scientists who are trying to get federal grants.

“I think we’re coming out of the little ice age, and warming is due to changes to ocean circulation patterns due to salinity variations,” Gray said. “I’m sure that’s it.”

Gray’s view has been challenged, however.

Roger Pielke Jr., director of the Center for Science and Technology Policy Research at the University of Colorado, said in an interview later Monday that climate scientists involved with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change concluded that most of the warming is due to human activity.

“Bill Gray is a widely respected senior scientist who has a view that is out of step with a lot of his colleagues’,” Pielke said. But challenging widely held views is “good for science because it forces people to make their case and advances understanding.”

“We should always listen to the minority,” said Pielke, who spoke from his office in Boulder. “But it’s prudent to take actions that both minimize human effect on the climate and also make ourselves much more resilient.”

At the breakfast, Gray said Earth was warmer in some medieval periods than it is today. Current weather models are good at predicting weather as far as 10 days in advance, but predicting up to 100 years into the future is “a great act of faith, and I don’t believe any of it,” he said.

Dr. William Gray should be labeled as a hero for the human race. He is speaking out against the anti-capitalist and pro-socialist scientists who perpetrate the global warming charade, and he has put his reputation on the line to face down these liars. Cheers to him.

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