Friday, September 15, 2006
Pope Benedict XVI, speaking in his native Germany, did a terrible thing: he labeled Islam as a religion of violent fruitcakes. Of course, in this day and age, if you do anything but kiss the smelly ass of Muslims and deign to question their sick cult, you get either condemnation or suicide bombers - or both.
The Pope did it this time. He spoke the truth.
Merkel: Critics misunderstand Pope
German Chancellor Angela Merkel has defended Pope Benedict XVI against allegations that he had attacked Islam, saying critics had misunderstood comments the Pope made this week during a visit to his native Germany.
The Pope on Tuesday repeated criticism of Prophet Muhammad by the 14th century Byzantine Emperor Manuel II Palaeologus, who said everything Muhammad brought was evil "such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached."
Now, wait a second - the Pope was quoting someone - from the 14th century no less! (Then again, Muslims haven't advanced since the 14th century, so we can see the relevance.)
The Muslims are going ape-shit: the Pakistani legislature ("condoning Islamic terrorism since 1992") even voted to condemn the Pope's comments. The Pope is condemned! Yow!
But, take notice of what the Pope said - that Mohammad (Peace be Upon His Beanie) has commanded that his faith be spread by a sword. This ticked off Islam, right?
Now, check out what one Muslim dick states - and tell us how off the Pope was:
Pope comments explosive in Mideast: analysts
"Traditionally, Ramadan is also a month of combat where supporters of the jihad galvanise the warlike heat of the `soldiers of God` against Crusaders and non-believers," said Gad.
Yup, the Pope said that Muslims want to spread Islam through violence. And they condemn his remarks by threatening to spread Islam through violence.
Hilarious as usual. Pathetic, but hilarious.