Friday, September 15, 2006
If you listen long enough to the Left in America, you find a group of people so delusional that they believe that we are not at war, that President Bush is more of an enemy to America than Osama bin Laden, and that we can pull out of Iraq and that Islamic terrorists (if, as they believe, any do exist) will just stay away; after all, they contend, Bush was behind 9/11, not some Islamic nice guys.
Read right into the letter to The Colorado Springs Independent, a rag of a newspaper for leftwing losers who cannot read regular newspapers - a nut who is definitely in the mold of Howard Dean:
Peddling fear
After watching Bush's speech Monday night, I felt like I'd been raped. I felt so filthy just watching the man that I wanted to shave off the top three layers of my skin and burn them.
The mind-boggling gall of this man, to go on TV and tell America to unite behind his "War on Terror," which is, at best, a serial failure, is a tremendous kick in the crotch to America in general and, in particular, all those who lost friends and loved ones in New York, Washington D.C., and Pennsylvania.
To have this brain-dead hack hawking his insane brand of politics on a day that should have been spent in quiet reflection and mourning is the most shameless peddling of fear I can imagine. Shame on you, George W. Bush, shame.
This loon was raped by Bush speaking on 9/11, but somehow he supported Bill Clinton, a true rapist who used the power of his office to intimidate women and harass them so he could get sexual favors. Rape from whom again?
Remember, folks: every vote for a Downie is a vote to empower this slimy motherfucker to continue on without some major psychiatric assistance.