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Friday, September 22, 2006

Joobo's Imbecile of the Week...and Perhaps the Year!

Those of you who read the postings here know how much we hate liberals. However, when Republicans and/or conservatives do dumb things, we highlight them as well.

Well, we have found a Republican who sued President Bush to - get this one - stop the wars in Iran and Syria.


Ah, perhaps - but this nut, who admits she has been "abroad for 25 years" (probably at some German mental asylum), is suing to stop the wars she says are going on now.

Yep. Loony. Crazy. Whackjob.

Restraining order against Bush denied

CONCORD – A federal judge on Wednesday denied a former Republican congressional candidate’s request for a restraining order barring President Bush or Vice President Richard Cheney from bombing Iran or Syria.

Mary Maxwell, 59, of 179 Loudon Road, Apt. 10, Concord, filed a lawsuit Monday against Bush, Cheney and other “unnamed defendants actively engaging in acts of war against Iran and Syria in the guise of the war against terrorism.”

Maxwell’s suit seeks a ruling that the administration lacks legal authority to pre-emptively attack either Iran or Syria without a Congressional declaration of war, and that radioactive fallout from the use of nuclear weapons in any such attack would endanger people around the world, including herself.


While the Bush administration has yet to respond to Maxwell’s suit, U.S. District Court Judge Paul Barbadoro on Wednesday denied her request for an emergency temporary restraining order barring the administration from attacking Iran or Syria.

“The Motion for Temporary Restraining Order asserts only conclusory arguments. It does not satisfy the plaintiff’s duty to demonstrate likelihood of success. Nor does it demonstrate that temporary relief is required to avoid the harm she seeks to prevent,” Barbadoro wrote.

Maxwell plans to appeal Barbadoro’s ruling, she said Wednesday, and she vowed to appeal her suit to the U.S. Supreme Court if she isn’t successful in the lower courts.

The nut lives in an apartment, yet she has time to sue the President to stop wars which have not started.

And this is a Republican loon.

Now, check out her lawsuit (PDF file) - it makes for some really hilarious reading:

Mary Maxwell v. George W. Bush, President of the United States

4. Plaintiff seeks declaratory and injunctive relief, enjoining the President to refrain from attacking Iran or Syria absent a Congressional vote, and enjoining the Legislature to consider, and hold public hearings on, the doctrine of pre-emptive strike and the policy of allowing the use of tactical nuclear weapons. Plaintiff claims that her life and health are presently end angered by government' s unaccountability and apparent recklessnes.


7. Plaintiff Mary Maxwell, Ph.D. (Politics), 59, widow, lives at 179 Loudon Road, Concord, New Hampshire. She is a political scientist and a law student. [And fruitcake. - Ed.]


11 . On October 19, 2005, at the Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing on Iraq,
Rhode Island Senator Lincoln Chaffee asked witness Condoleezza, Secretary of State

Yep, that "witness Condoleezza" had a lot to say.

No wonder this woman was laughed out of court. She doesn't even know the name of our Secretary of State.

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