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Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Euro-Peon Kisses Islamic Ass

The Euro-peons seem to have a problem which has lasted for centuries: they kiss the ass of their enemies, and when those enemies turn on them, they call on the United States, or some other power, to rescue them.

The Peons know how to criticize Israel, but for some reason they embrace the Islamic cancer within their own borders.

Now steps forward one Piet Hein Donner (of the Donner Party?), the Justice Minister of the Netherlands, who told reporters that if a majority of his country want shari'a law, well, then, they should have it.

Minister Donner then puckered up and planted a huge fat kiss right on the ass of the Cancer of Islam.

Minister Welcomes Sharia In Netherlands If Majority Wants It

THE HAGUE, 13/09/06 - Justice Minister Piet Hein Donner considers the Netherlands should give Muslims more freedoms to behave according to their traditions. Muslims refusing to shake hands is fine with him. And Sharia law could be introduced in the Netherlands democratically, in the minister's view.

Muslims have the right to experience their religion in ways that diverge from Dutch social codes, accordign to the Christian democrat (CDA) minister. He thinks Queen Beatrix was very wise not to insist on a Muslim leader shaking hands with her when she visited his mosque in The Hague earlier this year.

Integration Minister Verdonk did previously scold an imam who would not shake her hand. Without directly referring to this incident, Donner considers "a tone that I do not like has crept into the political debate. A tone of: 'Thou shalt assimilate. Thou shalt adopt our values in public. Be reasonable, do it our way'. That is not my approach".

When Islam drives Europe into another war, and it will, we should tell the Peons: you got yourselves into this mess, and you get yourselves out. No more US troops like we sent in World War I and World War II and Bosnia. Fight your own battles for once.

But, this time, the Peons will allow the cancer to metastasize with the aid and assistance of psycho assholes like Piet Hein Donner.

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