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Sunday, September 24, 2006

DUmmies Underground: The Left is Going to Lose Again, and They Are Sick About It

You can always tell how well an election is going by seeing how each side's partisans react to events on the ground. High gas prices? Casualties in Iraq? The Republicans see bad numbers and fear for the future. Low gas prices? A focus on terrorism and why George W. Bush is protecting this country and Downies are not? The left goes into a tailspin.

Well, the tailspin may have begun, because the incredibly sickening imbeciles at DUmmies Underground, one of the most vicious and disgusting leftwing sites on the internet, are starting to say that things have gone from bad to worse for the Left, and these whackjobs are sick from it.

I can feel my hope slipping away....again.

As we get close to the Mid-terms, Bush-loving oil companies drop gas prices and Democrats sitting on sidelines and letting the Pukes reach a deal on torture. I don't think we are going to win by default.

Regarding rushing to defend Bush from Chavez, don't Rangel and Pelosi know how stupid this makes them look? If the shoe was on the other foot and Chavez insulted a Democratic president, think the Pukes would defend us? All this does is help Bush.

Really sorry to be a downer, but I'm not looking forward to November anymore. This regime is ethically bankrupt and I fear that too many Americans are perfectly comfortable with it.

Aw...darn darn darn darn darn! Damn the whole world - the Left is mad that Boss Hugo made a fool of himself and now the country is moving Bush's way! Shit! Crap! Fucko!

Now, check out some of the responses to this dim bulb:

I'm afraid I agree with you...I'm trying to fight my cynicism and despair, but now that more than one poll shows this idiot's "approval rating" rising, I'm really worried that there isn't enough of a tide to prevent another stolen election. And today especially, as we're on the verge of officially blessing what I'm afraid still counts as "torture" to the rest of the world, I'm saddened for what used to be my country.

Rangel and Pelosi's behavior today adds credence to the suggestion that The Performance has already been written ... and only needs to be played out ... and all The Players know their roles by heart. I can't help but start to believe that The Representatives, either side, don't truly give a damn about The People.

I'm disgusted beyond words.

I Agree. There's this big, stupid lump in America that watches Faux news, laps up the slogan of the day, and calls it a day. Until we can figure out how to get these collective heads out of these collective asses, it's going to be all uphill. Sorry if this sounds awfully cynical. The fact that W's numbers may have gone up is just so disturbing. What else can explain it, but outright ignorance.

So, the left is sick about losing another election. What is their strategy to win? Is it more programs, more tax cuts, a positive approach to something?

Of course not. It is censorship.

Yep, that oughta work.

If we win, one of the first things we have to do is get FAUX off the air. They are nothing but Chimp's propaganda arm and do not deserve to be on the public airways.

The American Left: Preserving the rights of terrorists and advocating the censorship of views they do not like since 2001.

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