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Sunday, September 24, 2006

British Police to "Brief" Muslims Before Anti-Terror Raids

Imagine for a moment that an ethnic group, particularly one whose members were involved in crime and/or terrorism, demanded to be "briefed" by police before raids of their communities. Police would laugh at the suggestion - and tell those advocating such a thing to drop dead.

The British police, however, didn't laugh - they agreed to do such a thing.

Imagine this: the police in England will "brief" Muslim leaders that their communities are being searched for terror suspects.

Only in PC Land could such a thing happen.

Police to brief Muslims before terror raids

POLICE have agreed to consult a panel of Muslim leaders before mounting counter-terrorist raids or arrests. Members of the panel will offer their assessment of whether information police have on a suspect is too flimsy and will also consider the consequences on community relations of a raid.

Members will be security vetted and will have to promise not to reveal any intelligence they are shown. They will not have to sign the Official Secrets Act.

The first panel, expected to consist of four people, will be set up initially in London. Tomorrow representatives from police forces across England and Wales will decide whether to make the scheme national.

Muslim groups have welcomed the move, which is understood to be backed by Sir Ian Blair, the Metropolitan police commissioner.

This week the Association of Chief Police Officers will discuss with MI5 and the Home Office whether to reveal to the panel intelligence information from the security service.

The idea came from the Metropolitan police and the Muslim Safety Forum (MSF), which works for better police-Muslim relations. It has been under discussion for two years and came to the top of the agenda after a police raid in Forest Gate, London, in June, in which a man was shot. Police were acting on a tip-off about a bomb. None was found.

Azad Ali, chairman of the MSF, said: “The major concern that came to us from Muslims was that the intelligence was flawed — the raid was on assumption and nothing else. This will allow independent scrutiny of intelligence.”

Imagine that police are now consulting the members of a community whose members act in secret to commit thousands of murders. Secrecy is a key point - what happens if these members of the "Muslim Safety Council" (probably the "Let's Blow Shit Up With Our Bodies" Council) let on that a raid is coming?

What will happen? Nothing, that's what. And suspected terrorists will be tipped off by the same nuts who have shielded them in the past.

If anyone in the US ever brings this idea up, can that person be shot?

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