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Monday, August 14, 2006

Time for Our...Dumb Muslim of the Week!

Dumb Muslims - they are not hard to find. But it is the truly, truly stupid Muslims who we search out and bring to your attention. Such a Muslim must be the dumbest of the dumb.

So, for your entertainment comes Muhammad Said Ramadhan Al-Bouti. A "Syrian cleric" (which means he fucks goats in Syria, as opposed to Iran or Lebanon), Sheik Your al-Bouti says that he has a book - not a coloring book, which is standard fare for Muslims, but an actual book, which was penned by President George W. Bush's grandfather in 1831, which is about the life of Mohammad!


Syrian Cleric Influential in the U.S. on Hizbullah Al-Manar TV: Islamic Law Permits Destroying U.S, Israeli Facilities and Interests Worldwide

"Bush the grandfather – I'm not talking about the father, but about the grandfather of the current American president – wrote a book about the life of the Prophet Muhammad. In this book, which was published in 1831, he says: 'As long as the Muslims' empire is not destroyed, God will not allow the return of the Jews to the homes of their fathers and forefathers.' This book exists. 'As long as the Muslims' empire is not destroyed, God will not allow the return of the Jews to the homes of their fathers and forefathers.' All these countries you see around you – according to their secret and public claims – are the homes of their fathers and forefathers."

Well, wait a second...this doesn't make sense. 1831? Would President Bush's grandfather have written a book on Mohammad 175 years ago, when few if any Americans ever heard of Islam?

But that is not the only problem with this - the timing seems odd. After all, President Bush was born in 1945; his father, George H.W. Bush, was born in 1924.

Now, didn't the dumb Muslim al-Bouti say that President Bush's grandfather wrote this book in 1831? Is that possible?

It isn't. Because President Bush's grandfather, Prescott S. Bush, who was a US Senator from Connecticut, was born in 1895.

And, as everyone but Muslims know, 1895 is 64 years after 1831.

It appears that math is not one of Sheik al-Bouti's strengths. Perhaps he should return to his one true love: farm animals.

Sheik al-Bouti: Our dumb Muslim of the week. Perhaps the year.

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