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Tuesday, August 22, 2006

The Sickness of Air America, For All the World to See

A columnist here in Florida sat and listened to the sickness of Air America, that hilarious leftwing radio network which is becoming less popular than syphilis.

Take note, America: this is what the Downtrodden Party says when they think no one is listening.

Op-Ed: Liberals and the far left

There was an amazing editorial column in the Wall Street Journal on August 8th. The author was Lanny J. Davis who is a lifelong liberal and one of the chief apologists for Bill Clinton when the latter was suffering through all of his embarrassing and illegal escapades.

Davis reveals that until recently he believed that the left was more tolerant and less hateful than the right. He says his dad instructed him that the scary hatred comes only from the right wing through tirades from the likes of Senator Joe McCarthy. But miracle of miracles, he now believes the left is equally capable of bigotry, hatred and outright meanness. Later in this column I will prove that the tirades and the hateful outbursts of the progressives far exceed what comes out of the camps of the right.

Davis just can’t believe the gutter talk and the out and out hate mail that he has received from the left for his support of Joe Lieberman. His fellow lefties called Joe Lieberman a racist and a religious bigot. Davis himself was called all kinds of names.

And Davis was shocked! Shocked! that liberals are so demented and threatening.

All he need do is listening to the perverts at Air America to get a dose of what the Left - the mainstream of the Downtrodden Party - says on a regular basis, as Mr. Jackson so ably notes:

Since I criticize the Limbaugh bashers who have never heard his program, I felt it was my duty to listen to Air America. I have done so over a period of about three months and here are some comments from just two 90- minute sessions:

1) “The entire Bush crime family should be executed.”

2) “George Bush is a g.d. lying s.o.b.” (by the host) There was no use of initials in this quote.

3) “Bush and Cheney are gleefully causing gas prices to go sky high to benefit their big oil friends.”

4) “Why didn’t Cheney turn the shotgun on himself after he wounded his friend?” (by the host)

5) “The Bush Administration planned and executed 9-11.”

6) “Rumsfeld should be hung by his thumbs and subjected to all the torture that was given to the alleged insurgents.”

7) “The Bush government purposely did not capture bin Laden because they wanted an excuse to go to war.” (by the host)

8) “We can hope that the insurgents will get information on Bush’s travel plans so they can shoot down his airplane.”

9) “Bush and the government planted explosives in the World Trade Center and that’s why the Twin Towers collapsed.”

This is NOT free speech. The pieces of excrement who threatened the President's life should be arrested and sent to prison for life. No one should get away with this kind of crap.

No one.

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