Thursday, August 10, 2006
The British government discovered today that some _______ tried to blow some planes up heading from their country to the United States. They arrested 20 ______ men, of Pakistani descent, but, for some unknown reason, no one wants to identify the religious background of these 20 pieces of excrement.
Wow! Who could be behind such a terrorist threat? Buddhists? Jews? Christians? Nah! Of course not!
But we won't identify them anyway!
The Anatomy of the Foiled Plot in London
The world learned of a terrorist plot Thursday that would have caused mass death and destruction aboard a number of passenger jets had British authorities not aggressively investigated and arrested many of the plotters.
More than 20 suspected terrorists were arrested in England by early Thursday morning, in an operation that involved British intelligence, Scotland Yard and assistance by a number of other law enforcement and intelligence agencies, including those in Pakistan.
ABC News has learned that two "significant arrests" in Pakistan in recent days may have significantly accelerated the pace of the investigation.
Many of the alleged terror plotters appeared to be of Pakistani descent. It appears that they were probably "homegrown" terrorists with strong links to al Qaeda and Pakistani operatives. This new generation of terrorists have figured significantly in plots in the U.S., London and Canada in recent months.
In this case, the plotters apparently intended to assemble small but powerful bombs in flight and use them to take down flights from England to the United States.
Incredible! "Homegrown terrorists"? "Of Pakistani descent"?
What could this mean? What religion are they from?
It is a mystery! Quick - get Sherlock Holmes to solve this one!