Wednesday, August 30, 2006
The Muslims of the world will not hesitate to stoop to any level to pervert, ruin, or destroy anything which is not Muslim.
Now, they are turning classic books into Islamic crappola.
This would be hilarious if it were not sickening.
Pinocchio and friends converted to Islam
Pinocchio, Tom Sawyer and other characters have been converted to Islam in new versions of 100 classic stories on the Turkish school curriculum.
"Give me some bread, for Allah's sake," Pinocchio says to Geppetto, his maker, in a book stamped with the crest of the ministry of education.
"Thanks be to Allah," the puppet says later.
In The Three Musketeers, D'Artagnan is told that he cannot visit Aramis. The reason would surprise the author, Alexandre Dumas.
An old woman explains: "He is surrounded by men of religion. He converted to Islam after his illness."
Tom Sawyer may always have shirked his homework, but he is more conscientious in learning his Islamic prayers. He is given a "special treat" for learning the Arabic words.
Pollyanna, seen by some as the embodiment of Christian forgiveness, says that she believes in the end of the world as predicted in the Koran.
Of course Pinocchio turns to Islam: he has a wooden brain.
We would say that we should have Muslim stories turned into "Christian" (or even Jewish!) ones, but who wants Islamic crap ruining our children? We could have Cinderella wearing a burqa, or the Three Musketeers turn into the Three Suicide Bombers. Mohammad, Mohammad, and Goatfucker, all bombing civilians for Islam.
Now THAT is a story! Sad, but true.