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Monday, August 14, 2006

Liberal Group Caught Falsifying Voter Registrations

It has been proved time and time again that in elections, the only way a liberal candidate can win is if they cheat. And cheat they do - numerous convictions of liberal activists and noted Downies have been found all across the United States. And, still, the liberals try and cheat.

In Ohio, another liberal group tied to massive fraud in Florida in 2004 has been nailed for trying to hand in 500 voter registrations, despite the fact that none of the people exist.

500 new voters might not exist

Workers paid by a liberal group to register voters in Franklin County have turned in more than 500 forms with nonexistent addresses and potentially fake signatures, elections officials said yesterday.

Board of Elections Director Matthew Damschroder said he has forwarded the cards to county authorities for possible criminal charges.

Elections workers verifying new-voter forms discovered signatures with the same handwriting, addresses that were for vacant lots and incorrect information for voters who already were registered, Damschroder said. One card had the name of an East Side man who’s dead.

All the questionable cards were turned in by workers for Ohio ACORN, a group that’s also paying people to gather signatures for a proposed November ballot initiative to raise the state’s minimum wage.

Katy Gall, the group’s head organizer, said ACORN is cooperating with the investigation and already has fired some of its paid circulators.

"We are interested in seeing people who are gaming the system prosecuted," she said.

ACORN, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, faced similar problems in 2004 during a drive that added 189,000 new voters to Ohio’s rolls. Prosecutors were unable to trace the originators of some falsified forms, but one ACORN worker was indicted by a Franklin County grand jury.

The Downtrodden Party knows that if it can add 500 votes here, and 500 votes there, soon it can have some victories in places where normally it would lose, and they can take control of the US House or US Senate this November.

In every state, liberals should be watched for trying to use trickery and fraud to get votes they do not deserve. If their cheating is exposed, they will lose, not win, and then we all win.

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