Wednesday, August 16, 2006
We love to monitor the goings-on at DUmmies Underground, one of the worst places on the internet, where leftists post some of the most insane blather and delusions ever witnessed in human history.
We have posted link after link from that site, and now we have 2 more for you to enjoy and shake your head at.
First up, one nutty leftwinger has the answer for any plan by the government to "racially profile" Muslims traveling on American airlines: everyone should dress and act like a Muslim to throw the security guards off.
No kidding. Read along with us:
Stop Profiling - Take up a Muslim appearance
A woman I heard on C-Span recently said "We're all Americans" when it comes to Profiling. So why should only certain Americans face harsher conditions when trying to enter airplanes?
I propose a controversial solution to Profiling. Look like a Muslim.
Something as simple as a fake beard or headscarf will suffice.
Imagine the looks of the faces on the people who support profiling to look at the airport and see everyone looking like a Muslim.
The Left does its damndest to make everyone believe that they either side with this nation's enemies or wants another terrorist attack. Why? Because they believe it and want it to be so.
Second, we have a report that Fox News reporter Steve Centanni has been kidnapped by those peace-loving Palestinians*...and the assorted nuts at DU intimate that either they want Centanni dead, don't care one way or another, or - this one ranks as one of their most hilarious - that Fox News is making the whole story up.
FAUX News reporters kidnapped in Gaza
FAUX News reporters kidnapped in Gaza
Somehow, I have trouble feeling any compassion for these particular "journalists".
How does one of their dimmer bulbs react?
FoxNews is propaganda. I really don't care one way or another about reporters that spread lies and propaganda. It's best to just ignore them. That is why, I really just don't care.
How compassionate of the sickening Left.
*Yeah, right.