Tuesday, August 15, 2006
The sickening leftwing imbeciles at DUmmies Underground, one of the most pathetic sites for leftwing paranoia on the internet, are speculating that President Bush is behind the plot by Muslims in the UK to blow up 10 airliners to the United States. This is standard fare for the DUmmies - they regularly accuse the President of every crime under the sun.
The funny part, however, is that these morons now believe that water - yes, H20 - is more dangerous than chemical bombs on airplanes.
You need to read this...we just couldn't make this stuff up.
even if people get it or not ..those H20 bottles are prob more dangerous to you than any terrorist!
even if people get it or not ..those H20 bottles are prob more dangerous to you than any terrorist!
in an emergency..on an aircraft ..i have said for years..those water bottles will cause more deaths than any one thing.,on the entire aircraft..
just imagine an crash..or running off a runway..or aborting a take off..and 100 water bottles rolling into the isles of the aircraft..and you trying to get 100 people down those isles ( small as they are) with people tripping on water bottles..and falling over and piling up on each other in panic..
you have approx 90 seconds to get off a plane in an accident before succumbing to smoke inhailation...
now slow up the evacuation because water bottles have flooded the small isle..
please don't think it won't happen..
i have sat on the rear jump seat many times and i used to call it the attack of
the water bottles..just on a normal take off..
the water bottles start rolling down the isle and many end up at the feet of the flight attendants..
i used to put in reports about it all the time...
and i have said for many many years...since the explosion of the water bottle boom...nothing will be done about it until there is an accident and people die because they could not get to an exit because they were tripping in the isle on water bottles..
a few passengers listen to instructions..but most do not, about stowing the bottles for take off and landing..
in accidents or emergencies ..it does not take much for people to pile up near exits and never getting off in time..
i see water bottles as a major problem.,.and a possible reason for needless deaths in an accident.
take that into consideration when you are allowed to resume taking bottles on the aircraft...
sometimes the difference between life and death ..are seconds..in any accident or emergency.
do you want to trip on bottles..or be the cause of others tripping on your bottle.
Now we know: terrorists don't kill people, falling water bottles do.
We would love to know where liberals get this crap. It may be that they truly are insane, and this shit comes to them in their delusions. We can think of no other reason.