Monday, July 24, 2006
The Village Voice, a far left rag which reports on the comings and goings of the shit of the planet in Greenwich Village, finally opened its eyes and found - gasp! - corruption amongst Downie pols in New York City.
How can this be, when Nancy Pelosi (D-Nutjob) told all of us that only Republicans are corrupt? How?
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In the case of the allegedly bribe-pocketing assemblywoman from East New York, Brooklyn District Attorney Joe Hynes went straight to the videotape last week as he announced her indictment.
The D.A.'s office released a TV-ready DVD containing several conversations recorded between October 2004 and November 2005 with Diane Gordon, 56, who represents one of the city's poorest sections. On the videos, Gordon is heard telling an unidentified developer exactly how big the house that she wants him to build for her should be, allegedly in return for Gordon's support of his acquisition of city-owned land worth $2 million in her district.
"Subtle this was not," commented city investigations commissioner Rose Gill Hearn, whose office launched the probe after a city housing aide reported suspicions of wrongdoing.
On the tapes, Gordon is seen seated in her office beneath a poster of Martin Luther King Jr., apparently spelling out how her support for his project was dependent on the developer building her a new home, to her precise specifications, down to the square footage of the bathrooms.
The three-term assemblywoman appears relaxed and cheerful, as though she were picking out wallpaper patterns at Janovic Plaza. "Um, can it just be a little, I was thinking, maybe a little dark like, y'know, that burgundy wood like this?" she says at one point on the tapes, tapping the desk at which she is seated.
"I want a lot of things," she tells the developer after he has politely coaxed her into spelling out her needs. "I want these things to be delivered to you where I can get the home almost for little to nothing, and I just pay the taxes. . . . And I don't want a mortgage. You know what I mean?"
Someone needs to ask Nancy Pelosi how this could have happened. It is a wonderment, we have to tell you.