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Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Washington State Strikes Down Gay Marriage

In another stunning ruling from a liberal state court, the Washington State Supreme Court held today that only the legislature and/or a vote of the people can institute gay marriage in that state - and this comes after the state legislature enacted a "Defense of Marriage" act to define marriage as that between one man and one woman.

Thus, breaking news: even liberal courts cannot find a reason to uphold gay marriage.

Wash. 5-4 decision turns back ‘gay marriage'

OLYMPIA, Wash. (BP)--In a long-anticipated decision, the Washington state Supreme Court today refused to legalize "gay marriage," saying that the issue is one for the legislature or the citizens -- and not the courts -- to decide.

The 5-4 ruling is the second major loss for homosexual activists within the past month. In early July, New York's highest court also refused to legalize "same-sex marriage."

Washington state Justice Barbara Madsen wrote the court's opinion, which two justices joined. Two other justices issued a concurring opinion, agreeing only in the judgment.

The court heard oral arguments in the case more than a year ago, in March 2005, and both sides had been eagerly awaiting a ruling. Two lower court judges had struck down the state's marriage laws and ordered "gay marriage" to be legalized, and those decisions were appealed.

"The two cases before us require us to decide whether the legislature has the power to limit marriage in Washington State to opposite-sex couples," Madsen wrote. "The state constitution and controlling case law compel us to answer 'yes,' and we therefore reverse the trial courts. In reaching this conclusion, we have engaged in an exhaustive constitutional inquiry and have deferred to the legislative branch as required by our tri-partite form of government."

It is plain that liberal judges do not want this hot potato in their laps, and wish to pass it on to the legislatures or state voters to settle the matter. And in every state save one - Massachusetts - these entities have all voted to make such gay marriages illegal.

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