Sunday, July 09, 2006
Enron CEO Ken Lay has died of a heart attack in Colorado at age 64.
This gives the demented left (better known as "the left") a chance to 1) deny that Lay is dead, and 2) claim that President Bush is involved.
Check out this thread from the "Loose Change" (Loose Minds) video which says that 9/11 didn't happen:
Please Follow The Ken Lay Funeral, A call to Researchers
Please keep a close eye on this.. such as open casket.. etc. If someone can get into the funeral, that may be even better.
I think he was "heart attacked" He could be still alive though, I wouldn't doubt it.
A strange point about the Enron trial is that after the accused were convicted their sentence date was set on 9/11 2006. It seems this date has some significance to some one????
For the record, in my opinion, the powers that be had nothing to fear of what Ken Lay might say in a trial, the trial was over. He was awaiting sentencing, and the sentence was gonna be heavy - they got him on 10 counts. The rub is, in my opinion, he was an insider, he was not one to be cast aside, they put him into their "conspirator protection program" and slipped him out to Europe. Ken Lay is now living the good life with all the other CPP's lol. I used to think Barbara Olsen, fl. 77 passenger and wife of the Solicitor General, actually died in the plot and her husband Ted was probably complicit in sending her to her death. However I think that not to be the case. Ted quit his government job and is rumored to have dissapeared into Europe. That's where Kenny-boy, as George Bush affectionately calls him, is as well, dollars to donuts.
That last one is a hoot: President Bush has arranged to have 9/11 victims and others to vacation in Europe.
Where do these nuts come from with this shit?
Better yet, you can continue to laugh at the pathetic conspiratorial attempts of the left, who ask the key question of our times:
Is Kenny Boy Dead?
Poll question: Is Kenny Boy Dead?
88 votes say no, 6 votes say yes.
One of those posting wrote this - and it nails the left in every argument they make:
Yes he's dead. But please continue to make up the wildest wackiest shit you can think up, it provides good laughs.
How the left continues to remain relevant outside of the nutsy bin is anyone's question.