Sunday, July 23, 2006
The sick, perverted method of forcing women into becoming slaves in Islam known as "honor killings" is now the norm amongst Muslims in England - and even the leftwing rag The Guardian is so ashamed that they have reported on it.
'Honour' murders leave thousands of women living in fear
Thousands of young women in Britain are living in fear of the "hidden scourge" of so-called honour killing, a conference of police, Home Office staff and victim support groups was told yesterday.
An estimated 12 such killings happen in the country every year, but they represent only the extreme end of a much larger problem of intimidation and abuse.
A small minority of British Asian families deliberately use the threat of violence against supposedly erring daughters and sisters who defy agreements on suitors and marriage, the meeting in Leeds was told. A week ago, a London businesswoman's cousin and brother were jailed for life for stabbing her to death in front of two young nieces, whose own courtship and marriage arrangements might in due course have been influenced by her independent spirit.
"This distorted view of 'honour' completely constrains the lives of many unknown victims," said District Judge Marilyn Mornington, a specialist in the subject, who chaired the one-day seminar. "For every killing there are 1,000 other women living in fear for their lives."
More evidence that Islam equals fear, shame, and slavery.