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Friday, July 28, 2006

Iranian Nut: "Hezbollah's Patience Could Run Out" - and "Condoleezza Rice Should be Indicted as a War Criminal"

Iran has now become the main focus of Islamic terror in the world - everything emanates from Tehran. Funding, propaganda, everything - it is coming from Iran.

MEMRI, the Middle East Media Research Institute, posted a lovely interview with some Iranian lowlife named Mohsen Rezai, the former Commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, in which he makes claims too hilarious to contemplate.

For instance, he warns what could happen if Hezbollah's "patience" runs out.

Mohsen Rezai, Iranian Expediency Council Secretary and Former Commander of Iran Revolutionary Guards: If Hizbullah's Patience Runs Out There Will Be Chaos in Tel Aviv; Ms. Rice Should Be Tried as First Female War Criminal; The Legal Experts of the Islamic World Should Prepare Some Kind of Legal Action Against Her

"If Hizbullah's patience runs out and it enters a new phase, the war will change dramatically. First of all, there will be chaos in Tel Aviv, as well as in many cities between Haifa and Tel Aviv. There are atomic and chemical arsenals right between Haifa and Tel Aviv, and there might be problems there. An unexpected situation might develop. So far, Hizbullah has demonstrated manliness, restraint, and humanitarianism. But as of yesterday, they began attacking the towns and villages south of the Litani like madmen, and I don't know what will happen in the days to come."


"In my opinion, it would be best if the legal experts of the Islamic world prepare some kind of legal action against Ms. Rice. I think this lady is the first ever female war criminal, and she should be brought to trial. She has explicitly declared - and I think this was a political mistake by her - that she is giving Israel a free hand to attack Lebanon. This in itself is enough to prepare a case against her as a war criminal."

Well, there we have it.

Hezbollah, a terrorist organization which kills without a second's notice, is demonstrating "manliness, restraint, and humanitarianism."

And this is why Islam needs to be fought, contained, and wiped out wherever possible.

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