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Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Good News from Afghanistan - News the MSM Missed

There are good reasons that the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are unpopular: the MSM in the US tells the bad news, and never lets on about any good news.

Here is some good news; try and find it on any news site and you will be rudely disappointed.

New Afghan Road Offers Gateway to Optimism

BAGRAM AIR BASE, Afghanistan, July 5, 2006 – The U.S. Agency for International Development has started a $16 million road project that extends from the center of Afghanistan's Panjshir Valley and will eventually connect the valley to southern markets in Charikar and Kabul.


Local optimism for the road project was apparent when all shopkeepers in the valley volunteered to tear down their storefronts to allow for the 6-meter-wide road.

"USAID doesn't compensate shopkeepers for rebuilding their storefronts," Burton said. "They understood the road needed to be 6 meters wide, so they happily cleared the way for progress because they understand the benefits. The new road replaces a centuries-old donkey path."

Imagine if we could have interviews with these people being impacted by the road. Instead, the MSM will interview Palestinian terrorists and ask them why Israel is abusing them.

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