Saturday, July 01, 2006
John Stone, a former Secretary of the Treasury in Australia, made a speech in which he said the unthinkable: he asked what was wrong with Islam and Muslims.
Stone should be applauded for his statement.
Cut & paste: Why are Muslims not integrating into Western societies?
We need to understand that the core of the Muslim problem - for the world, not merely for Australia - lies in the essence of Islam.
It is the problem of a culture that, for the past 500 years or so at least, has failed its adherents as its inward-looking theocracy has resulted in it falling further and further behind the West.
It is that sense of cultural failure (and) smouldering resentment that fuels the fires so busily stoked by the more extremist Muslim teachers. Fiercely exclusive rather than inclusive, Islam holds that church and state are inseparable; that women, while respected so long as they stick to their appointed place in the Islamic scheme of things, are less than equal to men generally; and that even the most extreme violence is justifiable when applied in pursuit of approved Islamic ends.
Until all that changes - and it can only be changed from within Islam, if indeed it can be changed at all - the Islamic culture will never reside in harmony with others.
This is where all those comfortable (one might even call them lazy) assumptions about our own Muslim community break down. Contrary to those assumptions, I do not believe that this latest body of newcomers among us will emulate the examples of their predecessors from, say, Italy, Greece, Poland, the Baltic states or, more recently, Vietnam, Hong Kong and China.
How can it be possible for them to become part of a united Australia when any Muslim woman who wishes to marry out risks not merely social and familial ostracism but outright violence, even death by way of honour killings, by her father or her brothers? Almost without exception, the only marriages occurring in Australia today between Muslims and non-Muslims involve conversion to Islam of the latter.
The high priests and priestesses of multiculturalism should not be surprised by this. It is, after all, a product - admittedly, an extreme one - of policies they have been espousing with such religious zeal for 30 years or more.
This reality of separateness, however, does not stop at the marriage line.
While individual ethnic communities throughout our post-war history have always tended to cluster together at first, gradually they have dispersed. My very nice next-door neighbours are Chinese, as are two other families down the street who, together with an Assyrian family, make up our own little example of that diversity of which our politicians so blandly prate.
So far as I can see, however, Muslims do not so much move out as move in.
In communities where large numbers of Muslims gather, non-Muslims are gradually driven out. It is then not long before there are established no-go areas where Muslim gangs flourish on the proceeds of drugs, extortion, armed robbery and so on.
In turn, as the host country's own laws are set aside in these no-go areas, there develop demands for the recognition of these areas as small states within the state, to be governed by sharia law, administered not by national courts but by sharia-type courts overseen by local imams.
In France, we have begun to see the ultimate expression of such developments. There, a public official is reported to have agreed to meet an imam outside the predominantly Muslim district of Roubaix which, according to the imam, was Islamic territory and closed to non-Muslims.
Similar demands can already be heard in Britain. To a more limited extent (so far), we have begun to hear them in Australia.
For the last 20-30 years, Muslims have been moving into countries they had never had significant numbers before. And, as Stone correctly states, they set up their own communities, their own set of laws, and then demand that the country recognize their own state within the nation. And countries - including the US - are more than willing to let Muslims have these rights so as to placate them and hope no terrorism will follow.
September 11, and all subsequent attacks prove that this strategy has failed.
Groups and lawyers who defend Muslim crimes need to be told: toe the line, follow the laws of the country and not Islamic law, or get the fuck out and go back to your original hell-hole from whence you came.
More of that will see less terrorism. Let us stand up against Muslims! They have done nothing but bore in to our societies and then try to change us to make themselves feel better.
That is called a cancer - and Islam is truly a cancer.