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Saturday, July 22, 2006

DUmmies Underground: Freepers Exterminated, Republicans Put on "Endangered Species List"

We could go into the myriad ways that liberals have just become a parody of insanity and mental sickness, but instead we will let their disgusting blather merely speak for itself.

Caution: Extreme leftwing psychosis ahead.

Freepers Extinct. All Other Republicans on the Endangered Species List.

Those are some environmental headlines I'd like to see!

Every time i see a thread in the environmental group at DU that has listed another extinct or endangered species, all i can think of is how i can't wait until the republican species (they're definitely not Homo sapiens) is declared extinct.

i'm reminded of deniro's character in Taxi Driver when he says something like "one day a great rain will come and wash the scum from the face of the earth". maybe we need something of biblical proportions to rid the planet of the cancer we know as repukes. hopefully if there's a god, he's getting a plan together to do something about the filth. i just wish he'd do it soon before they destroy the whole place for all of us. i look forward to the DU thread when somebody posts about watching fox news and seeing sean hannity and bill o'reilly and neil cavuto and brit hume and ann coulter all develop boils while they're on the air. the boils build up on their wretched faced until their heads pop open and little demons fly in from thin air and suck the blood from their bleeding stumps where their heads once were. red state progressives could run outside and watch their repuke neighbors being devoured by swarms of locusts. now that would be cool!

What would be cool would be if we could pass national legislation making sure that 1) these cretins never hold any office of any substance in this country, and 2) that they not be allowed to have children, so that these demented bloodlines could die out after this generation of loons.

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