Friday, July 28, 2006
The imbecilic fruitpies at DUmmies Underground, one of the silliest and sickening leftwing sites on the internet, have admitted that many of them suffer from "severe mental illness."
Note that this comes as some sort of surprise. Not to us it doesn't.
Poll question: How many in GD dealing with severe mental illness in their home?
I know that the Andrea Yates decision has profoundly affected me and I wanted to ask, who here in GD deals with severe mental illness and / or our dangerously dysfunctional system in some way?
Discovering and surviving and learning to negotiate severe mental illness in my family changed my life in a profound way -- not the least of which, it changed the way I am active in the community and in especial, in the political community.
That anyone who thinks the way the Left does suffers from "severe mental illness" is not surprising. We need to move on from there, and get these obviously sick people some help.
We think that institutionalization for a good 20-30 years, where they are away from the rest of the human race, is a good start.