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Thursday, July 06, 2006

Breaking News: New York Court of Appeals Rules Against Gay Marriage

The NY state Court of Appeals, that state's highest court and one of the most liberal in the United States, this morning held that gay marriage is not allowable under New York law.

NY court rules against gay marriage

New York's highest court ruled Thursday that gay marriage is not allowed under state law.

The Court of Appeals in a 4-2 decision rejected arguments from gay and lesbian plaintiffs throughout the state that their inability to get marriage licenses in New York violated their constitutional rights.

Judge Robert Smith said New York's marriage law is constitutional and clearly limits marriage to between a man and a woman. Any change in the law should come from the state Legislature, he said.

"We do not predict what people will think generations from now, but we believe the present generation should have a chance to decide the issue through its elected representatives," Smith wrote.

Gov. George Pataki's health department and state Attorney General Eliot Spitzer's office have argued New York law prohibits issuing licenses to same-sex couples. The state had prevailed in lower appeals courts.

The judges declined to follow the lead of high court judges in neighboring Massachusetts, who ruled that same-sex couples in that state have the same right to wed as straight couples.

The question here arises: if the homosexual lobby cannot win in New York, where can they win with their perverted ideas?


Soon after NY's Supreme Court said that gay marriage was not lawful, the George state Supreme Court ruled that that state's ban on gay marriage was constitutional - in short, a 2-fer against perversion in one day, not seen since Bill Clinton was impeached.

However, in the midst of this good news, Howard "Duckie" Dean, chairman du jour of the Downtrodden National Committee, came out strongly and condemned the decision of NY's highest court.

Poor Duckie.

Statement by Howard Dean on the New York Court of Appeals Ruling on Same-Sex Marriage

WASHINGTON, July 6 /U.S. Newswire/ -- Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean today issued the following statement in response to the decision by the New York Court of Appeals that the state constitution does not guarantee the right to marriage for same-sex couples, but that the state legislature could provide this:

"As Democrats, we believe that every American has a right to equal protection under the law and to live in dignity. And we must respect the right of every family to live in dignity with equal rights, responsibilities and protections under the law. Today's decision by the New York Court of Appeals, which relies on outdated and bigoted notions about families, is deeply disappointing, but it does not end the effort to achieve this goal.

"As that essential process moves forward, it is up to the State legislature to act to protect the equal rights of every New Yorker and for the debate on how to ensure those rights to proceed without the rancor and divisiveness that too often surrounds this issue."

Yup, it is those "outdated notions" called the law. The NY Supreme Court upheld the law, and Duckie is upset.

We do, however, need to refresh Duckie's memory - as we harken back to early May, when Duckie made the following comment as he tries to get religious people to believe his silly party's malarkey:

Howard Dean: Democrats Have Much in Common with Evangelicals

He added, “The Democratic Party platform from 2004 says that marriage is between a man and a woman. That's what it says. I think where we may take exception with some religious leaders is that we believe in inclusion, that everybody deserves to live with dignity and respect, and that equal rights under the law are important.”

So, even though we proved that Duckie was full of shit as usual - the 2004 Downie platform said just the opposite, and Duckie knew it - he tried to make it seem that his silly party is for "marriage...between a man and a woman."

So, Duckie, since 2 state courts - including that of liberal New York State - held that exact standing as the law, why are you so damned upset?

Could it be that the chances your party had to win Congress in 2006 are slipsliding away, and you are a sickening assclown?

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