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Saturday, June 24, 2006

Some Friendly American Muslim Scumbags Arrested in Terror Plot

7 Black Muslims were arrested right here in Miami on Thursday for plotting to blow up, among other places, the Sears Tower in Chicago and the FBI building in Miami. Now we discover to our "shock and horror" that American-born Muslims are working to destroy this country from within, as Muslims from around the world work to destroy it from the outside.

But the story here is not about the arrests of these 7 American Muslim pieces of shit - no, the story is the reaction to the arrests by those wonderful Muslim organizations in the United States that are allowed to defend the human excrement of their cult while raising money for Islamic terrorists worldwide. Top of the hit parade: the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).

Their reaction is, well, a bit disappointing. But it is hilarious. And they don't "CAIR."

CAIR: US Muslims React to Miami Terror Arrests

On June 23, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) will hold a news conference in Miami to offer the Muslim community's reaction to the recent arrest of seven individuals in that city who were allegedly planning to carry out terror attacks nationwide. CAIR's news conference will be held immediately following a briefing by government officials.

CAIR National Board Chairman Parvez Ahmed said: "The American Muslim community is extremely concerned about these disturbing reports. We stand with local and national law enforcement authorities in seeking to keep our nation safe and secure." Ahmed added that CAIR is urging police departments nationwide to step up patrols near mosques and other Islamic Institutions to help prevent any possible backlash resulting from these arrests.

Understand now? 7 men who "happen to be Muslims" were plotting major terrorist attacks in this country. And CAIR, one of the worst pro-terrorist groups in the US, whose very words and acts incite terror and support it wholesale, is worried that some mosques "and other Islamic Institutions" could be attacked.

The problem is that Muslims in this country have never been attacked. If any other country with a non-Muslim majority was under assault the way we are in America, they would have risen up and thrown their Muslims out, and burned their mosques down to the ground. But we are "tolerant." And CAIR is using their cover to make the rest of us feel guilty that their fellow Islamic nutcases are plotting to kill thousands of Americans in one fell swoop.

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