Saturday, June 24, 2006
Liberals like to make themselves feel better about losing election after election with such bitter malarkey as "the vote in Ohio was fixed" in 2004, or "Bush stole Florida" in 2000, or some such other rubbish. If liberals and Downies lose, it is because the vote was rigged.
But, when those same losers are doing the rigging, the media likes to say "nothing to see here - ignore this story as it has no importance even though we are forced to cover it."
Too funny.
3 Poll Workers, 3 Felons Charged in Tenn.
Three poll workers accused of casting ballots in the name of dead voters were among six people indicted on charges of violating election laws in a state Senate race, a prosecutor announced Wednesday.
Prosecutor Bill Gibbons said his investigation found no evidence of a widespread conspiracy to throw the election to either candidate.
Democrat Ophelia Ford was certified the winner over Republican Terry Roland by 13 votes last September. The state Senate overturned the election this year amid allegations of irregularities.
"There was an effort on the part of certain individuals ... to cast some illegal votes for Miss Ford. But I stress that there is nothing to indicate that she knew anything about that," Gibbons said.
None of those indicted worked for either of the campaigns and neither candidate has been accused of wrongdoing, officials said.
The poll workers are charged with official misconduct. Three felons who cast ballots also were charged with violating election laws. All the counts are felonies.
Usually, when you have a story about a crime, the names of the suspects are listed, unless they are juveniles. And these don't appear to be juveniles. So, the question is: who are the 6 people arrested? And what, pray tell, is their party affilation?
We would like to make a guess: we bet they are not Republicans.
Any word, Mr. Prosecutor? Or are you going to just sweep this one under the rug and forget about it?
We have discovered that Ophelia Ford, the lying sack of shit whose "election" was thrown out because of this fraud, is the aunt of Rep. Harold Ford, Downie of Tennesee, now running for Senator Bill Frist's open Senate seat - a fact conveniently left out of this story. Interesting, eh?
Well, Harold Ford's father - and the brother of Ophelia Ford - is threatening the newspaper which broke this story with a $100 million lawsuit if they do not retract the story.
Ford Sr. Plans $100 Million Dollar Suit Against Dead Voter Story
Since leaving office former Congressman Harold Ford Senior has settled down in South Florida. But when he wants to be heard he speaks out loud and clear. This time against the Commercial Appeal.
"Commercial Appeal you've got to put up or shut up," says the Ford patriarch.
The Commercial Appeal broke the story several months ago of dead voters voting in the now highly contested September 15th election that put his sister Ophelia into office.
Ford believes the newspaper story and editorials have been the basis of the T.B.I. investigation and now the election showdown in Nashville and Memphis.
"The Commercial Appeal you've got to prove this or your liable, there's malice involved here," says Ford.
Ford even goes one step further accusing Republicans of being behind this whole thing. "The Republican Party set it all up, they voted these two dead people, to put it in on the Fords to have a eulogy for the Fords."
Shelby County Republican Chairman Bill Giannini says the charge is ludicrous and wants Ford to prove it. "The Fords think they own that seat," says Giannini. They believe that they are entitled to the seat."
Ford, Sr. sounds like just another paranoid blackjob.
However, let's hope that he sues. That should cost his son the US Senate seat he so dearly wishes to have to launch a presidential run in 2012.