Tuesday, June 27, 2006
We could explain all day about the obviously disturbed nuts at Dummies Underground, but we will just stand back and let them prove it to you.
Their latest psychosis? They believe that there was no second plane that hit the World Trade Center - and that a video proves this.
The proof that a plane struck the tower and helped to bring it down, seen by thousands in New York City and millions on television, is not apparent to these loons.
Fakity Fake 2nd Hit Footage
Check out this seriously bizarre supposedly "live" footage from the morning of 9/11.
The most telling thing about the clip is the consecutive series of zoom-ins (four zoom-ins) right before the plane comes in-- the opening very wide shot shows no plane but when they finally zoom in very tight on the towers, all of a sudden the plane appears!
I think this is pretty good proof that the second plane was a digital fake. The plane SHOULD have been seen in the wide shot-- it only magically appears in the last tight zoom-in.
There it is, folks - pure nonsense bullshit bullcrap nutsery.
However, we have one question to pose to these fruitpies:
If the second plane is a fake, how do you explain seeing it approach the 2nd WTC tower and then explode?

Yep - it looks fake to us, too.
That's why 3,000 people died - fake videos.